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Towards Social/Civic Inclusion and Lifelong Learning for Disadvantaged Groups: A Model for Transnational Cooperation and Enduring Impact Post-Covid-19

Education Above All Foundation

Side-event Flyer 

This session aims to offer participants:    

  • A model for social and civic inclusion for disadvantaged students with field-tested guidance to promote embracive approaches and foster belonging among beneficiaries;   
  • Methodologies for the leveraging of existing infrastructure and resources to support local and global belonging for highereducation scholarship recipients impacted by underprivileged family backgrounds and life conditions;    
  • A case for strong transnational partnership in scholarship disbursement and allocation of resources that support lifelong learning and that showcase exceptional collaboration for development assistance in alignment with SDG 17; and    
  • Example measures that make incremental progress towards SDG Target 4.5.4 (“extent to which explicit formula-based policies re-allocate education resources to disadvantaged populations”) and Target 4.1.1 (“extent to which (i) global citizenship education, (ii) education for sustainable development, including gender equality and human rights, are mainstreamed….”)