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Training Female Global Citizen Leaders in a Changing World

Global Interactions, Inc.

Global Interactions/World Academy for the Future of Women (WAFW) and the Men's Academy for the Future of Women are deeply committed to accelerating women's leadership worldwide and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The SDGs were the inspiration for the WAFW curriculum.    Global Interactions would be delighted to host an interactive forum to introduce the UN NGOs, and other interested parties, to the World Academy programs, as well as to facilitate a dialogue about accelerating women's leadership in a fast-changing world.    

The interactive format will consist of an introduction to the WAFW's programs, structure, facilitator training, and track record over its past 15 years in China, Nepal, and Bangladesh, as well as the organization's expansion plans to train more female global leaders. WAFW leaders will then facilitate a rich dialogue, with curated and purposeful questions, on how we might, as UN consultants, actively accelerate the training of female global citizens. At the end of the discussion, the facilitators will summarize what they've heard and suggest next steps. 

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