Permanent Mission of Finland to the United Nations
If we are to achieve the vision of Agenda 2030, transformation is necessary. This transformation starts with education and learning. SDG Target 4.7 emphasizes that all learners need to acquire knowledge and skills to promote sustainable development. By focusing our collective efforts on this target, we can accelerate progress towards the achievement of Agenda 2030. To achieve transformation in our societies, everyone needs to learn how to promote sustainable development: learning needs to happen everywhere and throughout life. To get there, we should work across thematic boundaries and with a wide range of different stakeholders. The UN Secretary-General has recognized the importance of transformative education, by calling together the Transforming Education Summit in September 2022. UNESCO’s global report on the Futures of Education, entitled “Reimagining our futures together: A new social contract for education” provides a solid basis for the Summit. At the same time, the Member States of UNESCO have agreed to revise the 1974 UNESCO Recommendation concerning Education for International Understanding, Co-operation and Peace and Education relating to Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. This event brings these developments together, to the forefront of discussions on achieving Agenda 2030. In this participatory session, co-organised by Finland, Nigeria, Bridge 47 and Fingo, we will together look for ways to strengthen the integration of SDG Target 4.7 in relevant policies, so as to accelerate progress towards 2030. Confirmed speakers of this in-person event include, among others, the Minister of Education of Finland. You can watch the live webcast on UNTV |