Statistics Division- UN Secretariat
This event will examine how natural capital accounting, in particular the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA) can help to measure and track climate change and biodiversity, thus providing Governments with a “common denominator” in the effort to integrate environmental concerns into public policy and decision-making. It will focus on both the institutional perspective (for example, how to adopt and integrate the framework in support of environmental goals) and the technical issues (including specific examples, such as how to assess the value of ecosystems vital to improving the quality of land and water resources).
- Dieter Helm, Professor of Economic Policy, University of Oxford and Fellow in Economics, New College, Oxford, and former Independent Chair of the UK Natural Capital Committee
- Monica Medina, Assistant Secretary of State for Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs, United States State Department
- Shonisani Munzhedzi, Chief Executive Officer, South African National Biodiversity Institute
- M. Sanjayan, Chief Executive Officer, Conservation International
- Bert Kroese, Incoming Chief Statistician and Data Officer and Director of the Statistics Department of the International Monetary Fund and former chair of the United Nations Committee of Experts on Environmental-Economic Accounting (UNCEEA)
- Mauricio Rodas, Visiting Fellow, University of Pennsylvania, Co-Chair of the Global Commission on BiodiverCities by 2030, former Mayor of Quito, Ecuador (2014-2019), and member of the United Nations Committee of Experts on Public Administration (CEPA)
Linda Bilmes, Daniel Patrick Moynihan Senior Lecturer in Public Policy and Public Finance, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Co-Chair of Economists for Peace and Security, and member of the United Nations Committee of Experts on Public Administration (CEPA
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