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Utilizing Open Science Principles for Quality Engineering Education to advance the UN Sustainable Development Goals

World Federation of Engineering Organizations (WFEO)

The virtual side event will present the achievements of the past two years and work being done to build back better in the post COVID environment to advance Goal 4 Education, Goal 5 Gender Equality and Goal 17 Partnerships for the Goals.    

The event will present the work being done by WFEO and its partners in international engineering to align its engineering education benchmarks with the UN SDGs,  to build capacity in engineering education and to provide essential training and development for professional engineers, technologists and technicians. The work is supported by UNESCO. The event will describe the projects and how advanced technology and Open Science Principles are being applied for an inclusive approach that leaves no one behind. The education and training is accessible to all, at no cost, especially to women and young people in developing countries.

The presentations will show how barriers to learning, including language, are addressed, and the road map for practical and tangible actions to build capacity in engineering education. The economic, social and environmental benefits of the projects are global and long lasting and support the advancement of other sustainable development goals through the application of engineering and technology.

The information presented will be invaluable to member states in understanding the facility being provided and how it can be accessed for the benefit of all.  Expert speakers from Asia, Europe, Oceania, Middle East, Africa and Americas and who represent diversity in terms of gender and age.

More information on WFEO and to register for the side-event