Permanent Mission of Iceland to the United Nations
In support of the 2022 High Level Political Forum, this side event will highlight the crucial roles that women play in small-scale fishing and aquaculture operations, the impacts of COVID on small-scale fishworkers and aquaculturists, and the ways that their communities have been building from these challenges.
Womens’ contributions to small-scale fisheries and aquaculture are frequently overlooked and underrecognized. 45 million women participate in small-scale fisheries operations globally, which constitutes greater than 40% of the fisheries workforce. Women are involved in all aspects of the fisheries sector and stand to benefit disproportionately from fisheries, as the contribution of aquatic foods to vulnerable communities’ food security and nutrient intakes are particularly important for womens’ health and child development.
This event -- co-sponsored by Iceland, the Aquatic Blue Food Coalition, the Environmental Defense Fund, the Small-Scale Fishery Hub (SSF Hub), and WorldFish CGIAR -- will gather small-scale fishery representatives with government officials to discuss the ways that building back from COVID and achieving the SDGs will benefit the livelihoods of women in small-scale fishing communities and support policy action for achieving SDGs 5 and 14.
Register here for the side-event