Voluntary National Review - 2023
Main Messages
Viet Nam
Since the first VNR in 2018, Viet Nam has experienced a difficult context in progressing towards the SDGs due to the COVID-19 prolonged impacts, increased food and fuel prices, external financial instability, and worsening impacts of natural disasters and climate changes. Despite the challenging context, Viet Nam continued to make strong commitments to the 2030 Agenda that was institutionalized in the National Action Plan. All 17 SDGs have been mainstreamed in socio-economic development strategies, plans, and sectoral policies at national and local levels. The whole political system and societyhave strived to accomplish the SDGs to Leave No One Behind.
Viet Nam has maderemarkable progress towards SDG 1, SDG 6, SDG 9, SDG 10, SDG 16 and SDG 17.Continuing to be on track forSDG 1,the multidimensional poverty rate declined from 9.2% to 4.3% between 2016 - 2022. Important achievements were evident for SDG 6 with 98.3% of households using improved water sources in 2022 (from 93.4% in 2016). Expanded investments in infrastructures, export-oriented industrialization and enabling environment for innovation of enterprises contributed to progress in SDG 9 . Continued progress was made for SDG 10 through job creation, expansion of social protection coverage, and enhanced support for vulnerable groups, especially in coping with the COVID-19 negative impacts. Improvements were made for SDG 16, with the rate of population and organizations showing their satisfaction with public services increased from 80.9% to 87.2% between 2017 - 2021. After approximately three decades of global and regional integration, being a pro-active and responsible member of the international community, Viet Nam has secured solid improvements under SDG 17. Viet Nam needs to maintain the pace of progress and achieved attainments of these SDGs.
For the remaining SDGs, Viet Nam has made important progress . SDG 3 continues to be improved with reduction of child mortality and 92.04% of the population having health insurance in 2022. For SDG 4, the rate of transition from primary to lower secondary schools was 99.9% and the percentage of students graduating from lower secondary schools was 98.1% in 2022. Regarding SDG 7 , the percentage of households with access to electricity was 99.5% in 2022. Viet Nam stands out for fast recovery from COVID-19 pandemic with the GDP growth rate of 8.02% in 2022 while maintaining a low unemployment rate (SDG 8). The country progressed towards SDG 11 with the percentage of population living in temporary houses declining from 2.6% to 0.9% between 2016 - 2022. Viet Nam continues to advance SDG 13 through the Net Zero commitment that has been integrated into relevant policies.
However, Viet Nam still faces multiple challenges and therefore needs to accelerate the SDG implementation further. In particular, Viet Nam will prioritize addressing malnutrition among ethnic minority children (SDG 2). Extra efforts will be put into improving health and well-being, the expansion of essential healthcare services for all people, especially for vulnerable populations such as the older people and ethnic minorities (SDG 3). Viet Nam will also advance SDG 4 toward equitable access to quality education, especially for vulnerable groups. Combating harmful social norms on gender and gender-biased sex selection will be the key to accelerate SDG 5. Increasing renewable energy and boosting energy efficiency will be the focus for SDG 7. Viet Nam will continue to prioritize inclusive growth, decent jobs, and enhance labour productivity to further progress SDG 8. In addition, Viet Nam will make extra efforts in addressing environmental issues in both urban and rural areas (SDG 11); promoting sustainable consumption and production (SDG 12); mobilizing resources for disaster risk management and climate change mitigation and adaptation (SDG 13); preserving life below water (SDG 14); protecting biodiversity and improving ecosystem services (SDG 15).
To successfully implement the 2030 Agendain the remaining halfway, Viet Nam will: (1) Prioritize investments in human capital, science and technology, innovation ; upgrade infrastructures to improve productivity, develop a green and circular economy, and build up resilience against natural disasters and climate change; (2) Enhance socialism-oriented market institutions, foster public administration reform and promote the participation of vulnerable groups in decision-making process; (3) Further reform the social protection system to strengthen resilience of communities and support for vulnerable groups; (4) Stabilize macroeconomic fundamentals , continue the COVID-19 recovery support, mobilize and enhance efficient use of financial resources for sustainable development; (5) Improve data availability to enhance the monitoring of SDG progress; (6) Engage all stakeholders and collaborate with all partners to achieve the SDGs for all by 2030 .