Side events sponsored by Governments, Major Groups, UN system and other Inter-governmental Organizations, will be organized daily in the margins of the official meetings of the High Level Political Forum 2014 (under the auspices of ECOSOC), from 1:15 to 2:30 PM and from 6:15 to 7:30 PM.
- Preliminary Programme of Side Events (PDF)
- Integrated Preliminary Programme of Side Events (under the auspices of ECOSOC) (PDF)
Date | Time | Room | Title | Organizers |
Monday, 30 June 2014 | 1:15-2:30 | ECOSOC | One UN for Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP): joint action to implement the 10YFP agenda | 10YFP Inter-Agency Coordination Group |
1:15-2:30 | 5 | Strengthening science-policy links for reviewing progress on sustainable development | International Council for Science (ICSU) | |
1:15-2:30 | C | Harmonising existing measurement efforts under the HLPF�s review function | Green Economy Coalition |
Date | Time | Room | Title | Organizers |
Tuesday, 1 July 2014 | 1:15-2:30 | 8 | Grille d�analyse du d�veloppement durable d�velopp�e par la Francophonie, un outil d�analyse de la durabilit� et de l�int�gration des dimensions du d�veloppement durable au sein des politiques et strat�gies nationales: Cas du Mali et du S�n�gal | Organisation internationale de la Francophonie |
1:15-2:30 | B | Arab Integration�A Transformative Change for Sustainable Development | Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) | |
1:15-2:30 | ECOSOC | The 10 Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production: Launching the 10YFP Consumer Information Programme | 10 YFP Secretariat, UNEP DTIE | |
1:15-2:30 | 6 | Small food producers and family farmers as agents for change for sustainable agriculture and food systems in the post-2015 agenda | FAO, IFAD, WFP, Biovision, Millennium Institute, WSPA and IASS | |
1:15-2:30 | 5 | Discussion of the prototype Global Sustainable Development Report | Division for Sustainable Development (DSD)/DESA in collaboration with the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the UN Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) |
Date | Time | Room | Title | Organizers |
Wednesday, 2 July 2014 | 1:15-2:30 | ECOSOC | Sustainable Urbanization and Green Innovation | International Ecological Safety Collaborative Organization (IESCO) |
1:15-2:30 | 5 | Private Sector Briefing | International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) | |
1:15-2:30 | 7 | Youth participation in monitoring to ensure accountability for the post-2015 development framework | Plan International and Overseas Development Institute in collaboration with the Office of the UN Secretary-General�s Envoy on Youth | |
1:15-2:30 | B | �What do want with HLPF and what do we want it to be like‌� a creative analysis and a realistic focus on institutional options | Stakeholder Forum | |
1:15-2:30 | C | Improving governance of the SDGs through Improved Mechanism for Engagement of the Major Groups | Centre for Community Economics and Development Consultants Society, India (CECOEDECON) | |
6:15-7:30 | C | An Ecovillage Approach to Designing Sustainable Rural and Urban Communities and Combatting Poverty | Global Ecovillage Network |
Date | Time | Room | Title | Organizers |
Thursday, 3 July 2014 | 1:15-2:30 | 6 | Bridging the Implementation Gap for Rio+20 | UNDESA, Netherlands |
1:15-2:30 | 7 | Volunteer Action Counts for sustainable development: How to strengthen accountability of the post-2015 framework through citizen engagement | United Nations Volunteer (UNV) programme | |
1:15-2:30 | C | SD2015: Broadening Stakeholder Engagement in the Post-2015 Development Agenda | Stakeholder Forum | |
6:15-7:30 | B | Bio-economy and Development: Beyond Crisis a New World [CANCELLED] |
Cobase Basic Technical Scientific Cooperative & Gherush92 Committee for Human Rights | |
6:15-7:30 | C | SDplanNet2.0: Readying Countries for Implementing the Post-2015 Development Agenda and Global SDGs | SDplanNet |
Date | Time | Room | Title | Organizers |
Monday, 7 July 2014 | 1:15-2:30 | 6 | The importance of disaster resilience in the post-2015 development agenda | Permanent Observer Mission to the United Nations of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), Islamic Relief Worldwide |
1:15-2:30 | C | Promoting Resource Efficiency for Sustainable Urban Development | United Nations Centre for Regional Development (UNCRD) | |
1:15-2:30 | 5 | Financing Framework for Sustainable, Low Carbon Transport | Partnership on Sustainable Low Carbon Transport (SLoCaT) | |
1:15-2:30 | ECOSOC | FISHING FOR DEVELOPMENT: How the Sustainable Use of Living Marine Resources Can Impact The Post-2015 Development Agenda | The Permanent Mission of Iceland and the United Nations University | |
6:15-7:30 | B | Making it real: grounding the post-2015 sustainable development agenda in national experience | IIED on behalf of the Independent Research Forum |
Date | Time | Room | Title | Organizers |
Tuesday, 8 July 2014 | 8:30-10:00 | E | Learning from Existing Accountability Mechanisms: Ensuring Resources and Results for Member State Goals | Permanent Missions of Canada and Pakistan to the UN |
1:15-2:30 | B | Cross-sector partnerships, business and the post-2015 development agenda | World Vision | |
1:15-2:30 | 5 | Education as a bridging factor of all dimensions of sustainable development | Journalists and Writers Foundation | |
1:15-2:30 | B | Cross-sector partnerships, business and the post-2015 development agenda | World Vision | |
1:15-2:30 | 7 | Participatory monitoring and accountability: critical components for the post-2015 development agenda | Permanent Missions of Canada, Peru and the Republic of Korea (with logistics support from UNICEF, UN Women and UNDP | |
1:15-2:30 | ECOSOC | What can the Post-2015 development agenda achieve for persons with disabilities‌ | Permanent Mission of Burkina Faso and Finland, IDA, IDDC |
Date | Time | Room | Title | Organizers |
Wednesday, 9 July 2014 | ||||
1:15-2:30 | B | Transformative Human Development � How the new Sustainable Development Framework can support all People of All Ages | UN NGO Committee on Ageing, NY and UN Major Group of Children & Youth | |
1:15-2:30 | C | Means and Ends: Citizens' Voices � Launch of Social Watch report 2014 | Instituto del Tercer Mundo (ITeM) / Social Watch | |
1:15-2:30 | 5 | Strengthening the post 2015 agenda: establishing a global science-policy interface for progress review and implementation | Spanish Alliance Against Poverty | |
1:15-2:30 | Delegates Dining Lounge | Accelerating Progress, Sustaining Results - Transitioning from the MDGs to the SDGs | United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) |