Side Events
Side Events will be held on the margins of the HLPF and sponsored by Member States, UN system and other intergovernmental organizations, Major Groups and other accredited stakeholders.
VNR Labs
A series of VNR Labs will be held on the margins of the Ministerial Segment of the HLPF, from 16 to 18 July 2018. The Labs are organized by UN-DESA and open to Member States, the UN system and representative of Major Groups and other stakeholders. Register here before 5 July 2018. (Please note that participation will be by registration only; participants must hold a valid UN Grounds Pass for the duration of the HLPF)
Special Events during HLPF
Special Events | |
9-13 July | |
11 July | Film Festival |
11 July | |
13 July | |
16 July | Local and Regional Governments’ Forum |
17 July | Local Action for Global Commitments |
17 July | |
18 July | Insights from Chief Sustainability Officers & Sustainability Champions |