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Organized in the margins of the High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) by United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN-DESA) in collaboration with the United Nations Office for Partnerships (UNOP) and the United Nations Global Compact, the Partnership Exchange is United Nations' annual global gathering for reviewing multi-stakeholder partnerships and voluntary commitments in supporting the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, and to explore, and build momentum towards, the creation of the partnering enabling environment.

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development provides an immense opportunity for all stakeholders to work collaboratively across sectors and thematic areas, forging genuine partnerships for supporting implementation of the SDGs. Achieving the level and quality of partnering required to deliver the SDGs requires a significant and targeted effort to build the enabling environment for partnering: the institutional capacities, convening and supporting infrastructure, and policy environment that together can help mainstreaming collaboration.


The Partnership for SDGs online platform serves as the basis for drawing on multi-stakeholder partnerships and voluntary commitments being profiled at the Partnership Exchange. To be considered for review, please register your initiative, or provide an update of an already registered initiative.

Past sessions

The 2018 Partnership Exchange will be organized as a one-day event on 13 July 2018 in Conference room 11, 12 (morning expert sessions) and 3 (afternoon plenary session). The event will include two expert level parallel sessions in the morning, followed by a plenary segment in the afternoon, resulting in a detailed summary that is posted publically online.

Expert Parallel session 1

Parallel session 1:

Building institutions and platforms that are Fit for Partnering

10.00 AM – 01.00 PM, Conference Room 11

Moderator: Dr. Darian Stibbe, Executive Director, The Partnering Initiative

10.00 AM – 11.30 AM

Session 1.1: Building institutions that are Fit for Partnering

For organizations to be able to partner well and at scale, they need to have in place the right leadership and strategy, enabling systems and processes, strong staff skills and guidance, and a partnering culture. The first sub-session examines what it means in practice to be organizationally Fit for Partnering and how to build up an organization in this regard.

Guiding questions

  • To what extent are your organizations / organizations you work with ‘fit for partnering’? What are the major institutional issues that make it challenging for them to partner?
  • What does a pro-partnering culture look like and how do you build it?
  • What are the skills necessary for partnering and how do you build them?
  • What needs to happen to build the UN’s institutional ability to partner more effectively?


The guidebook supports organizations to develop and implement partnerships that create the most added-value and deliver the greatest impact. It introduces the concept of ‘Collaborative Advantage’ – the intrinsic extra power partnering can bring to an issue– as well as the ‘Partnership Delta’ – the impact of partnerships beyond single actor solutions. Using an original framework of ten ways combining resources delivers far more than the sum of its parts, it provides a set of tools both for partnerships to maximize their value, and for individual partners to predict and assess the strategic value they gain from their investment in the partnership.


  • Ms. Elizabeth Ramborger, External Partnership Officer, Office of the Assistant Executive Director, Partnership, Governance and Advocacy Department, World Food Programme (WFP)
  • UN-REDD Programme
  • Mr. Mike Wisheart, World Vision
  • Mr. Will Kennedy, UN Office for Partnerships (UNOP)
  • Mr. Aitor Llodio, Executive Director, Foundation for Sustainability and Equality (ALIARSE)

11.45 AM – 01.00 PM

Session 1.2: Building country level action platforms to catalyze partnerships for the SDGs

What does it take to run effective partnership action platforms which convene societal sectors around SDG priorities, and catalyze implementation of innovative initiatives?

Guiding questions

  • What are some examples of the platforms for SDG collaboration?
  • What are the challenges, and what are the key success factors?
  • As platforms multiply in country on multiple different topics, how do we a) prevent saturation, particularly with companies being asked to contribute time to multiple different platforms and b) ensure synergies for more holistic, cross-issue action?
  • What is the role of online technology in scaling up collaboration at the country level?


  • Mr. Bernd Lakemeier, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
  • Ms. Kate Brown, Global Island Partnership (GLISPA) (SDG 15)
  • Mr. Javier Cortes, Head, Global Compact Local Networks – Americas
  • Ms. Rie Vejs-Kjeldgaard, ILO Director of the Partnerships and Field Support Department, Global Initiative on Decent Jobs for Youth / ILO
  • Ms. Carolien De Bruin, Ceo & Founder, C-Change
  • Mr. Stanlake Samkange, Senior Director for Strategic Coordination and Support of the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP), The National Strategic Review Roadmap

Expert Parallel session 2

Parallel session 2:

Maximizing impact of partnerships at the national level

10.00 AM – 01.00 PM, Conference Room 12

Moderator: Ms. Simona Marinescu, United Nations Resident Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative in Samoa

10.00 AM – 11.30 AM

Session 2.1: Building an effective monitoring framework system for partnerships

How should partnerships report their activities and contributions to the SDGs? How can we monitor pledges and ensure they are turned in action and impact? This session will look at the current approach to monitoring to discuss what is working well, what is less effective and make recommendations for a future approach.

Guiding questions

  • What do we need to monitor and why?
  • What are the special needs / approaches required for monitoring partnerships?
  • To what extent can we integrate partnership monitoring into existing mechanisms?
  • How can we make monitoring useful to partnership, rather than an extra chore?
  • How can monitoring support accountability for the delivery of pledges?


  • Ms. Monika Weber-Fahr, Executive Secretary, SDG6 IWRM Support Programme, Global Water Partnership
  • Mr. Jose Luis Martin Bordes, Global Water Operators' Partnerships Alliance (GWOPA) of UN-Habitat
  • Prof. Kazuhiko Takeuchi, International Partnership for the Satoyama Initiative (IPSI) (SDG 15)
  • Ms. Marianne Beisheim, German Institute for International and Security Affairs
  • Mr. Felix Dodds, The Water Institute

11.45 AM – 01.00 PM

Session 2.2: Building a conducive policy and funding environment for partnerships

By combining complementary resources, partnerships have the potential to deliver far more than the sum of their parts. However, they usually entail significant development time and often have ongoing running costs, for example the costs of a dedicated secretariat. This session will look at how donors may need to adapt traditional funding approaches to become more supportive of partnerships. It will also look at what governments need to do to change policy / legislation to encourage partnerships.

Guiding questions

  • What do governments need to do to ensure an enabling environment for fostering effective partnerships?
  • What examples are there of policy / legislation that actively supports partnerships for sustainable development, particularly with business?
  • How challenging is it for partnerships to find funding for the development phases and for the transaction / running costs (such as secretariats) of partnerships?
  • What can donors do to better support effective partnerships?


  • Ms. Sandra Pellegrom, Counselor, Head of the Development, Humanitarian Affairs and Human Rights Section, Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the United Nations
  • Ms. Gülden Türköz-Cosslett, Global Partnership for Effective Development Co-operation (GPEDC), Deputy Director, External Relations & Advocacy, UNDP
  • Ms. Ebba Dohlman, Senior Advisor, Head of Policy Coherence Unit, OECD, Policy Coherence for Sustainable Development Partnership
  • Mr. Jay Eizenstat, Director for Investment Funding & Global Programs at Mars Incorporated; Mars and International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) partnership

Plenary segment, Conference Room 3

03.00 PM – 03.30 PM

Opening segment

  • Her Excellency Marie Chatardová, President of the Economic and Social Council
  • Ms. Amina J. Mohammed, Deputy Secretary-General, United Nations
  • Mr. Liu Zhenmin, Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs

03.30 PM – 05.00 PM

Panel discussion: Building the enabling system to maximize partnerships in driving sustainable and resilient societies

Moderated by Mr. Kaveh Zahedi, Deputy Executive Secretary for Sustainable Development, UN-ESCAP

Building on the two parallel expert sessions, the plenary panel discussion will explore the overarching enabling system that is required to scale up and mainstream collaboration for the SDGs: from supportive policy environments to the skills individuals require to partner effectively; from the need for platforms that can more systematically catalyze collaboration to organizations needing to be institutionally set up and operating in ways that support partnering.

Guiding questions

  • What do you see as the role of partnerships in building resilient and sustainable societies?
  • Where do you see good examples of initiatives or mechanisms that are systematically catalyzing partnerships?
  • What examples do you have of organizations taking active efforts to build their institutional capacity (strategies, systems, staff capacities, culture) for partnering?
  • What do you see as the most significant inhibitors to mainstreaming the use of partnerships, and what can be done to address those inhibitors?
  • Which are the key political processes and forums that need to be influenced to build the enabling ‘infrastructure’ that can mainstream partnering?


  • H.E. Ms. Lois M. Young, Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of Belize to the United Nations, Co-chair of the Steering Committee on SIDS Partnerships
  • Ms. Simonetta Di Pippo, Director, United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs
  • Mr. Mario Morales Cabrera, Deputy Director General of Economic Cooperation of the Mexican Agency of International Cooperation for Development, Alliance for Sustainability (#AxS)
  • Ms. Ursula Wynhoven, Head of the ITU Liaison Office to the United Nations, United for Smart Sustainable Cities (U4SSC)
  • Ms. Leanne Hartill, Board Member, International Association for Public Participation (IAP2) - Effective stakeholder engagement as a means for developing transformational partnerships
  • Mr. Neil Dhot, Executive Director for AquaFed, Sanitation and Water for All, Private Sector Working Group

Lead discussant (reporting on key messages from morning expert sessions):

  • Dr. Darian Stibbe, Executive Director, The Partnering Initiative

05.00 PM – 05.45 PM

Partnership Showcase

Facilitated by Ms. Natalie Africa, Senior Director of Global Health & Private Sector Engagement, United Nations Foundation

This session will entail rapid fire presentations by representatives of multi-stakeholder partnerships and voluntary commitments aimed at driving implementation of those SDGs under review at HLPF. Each presenter will be given two (2) minutes and the use of maximum one (1) PowerPoint slide, to answer the following guiding questions.

Guiding questions

  • What is the name of the partnership?
  • Which SDGs and targets is the partnership addressing?
  • Who are the partners and beneficiaries?
  • How is the partnership adding value to implementation of the SDGs?


  • Mr. Yoshioka Tatsuya, Founder and Director, Peace Boat Ecoship (SDG 7)
  • Ms. Vanessa Gray, E-waste Coalition, United Nations Environment Management Group and ITU (SDG 12)
  • Mr. Ariel Scheffer da Silva, Head of Environmental Area, Itaipu Binational Sustainable Water and Energy Solutions (#SDGAction25185), ITAIPU Binacional (Paraguay-Brazil), UN DESA (SDG 6 and 7)
  • Ms. Chantal line Carpentier, Head of New York Office, UNCTAD, eTrade for All (SDG 17)
  • Mr. Raphael Edou Deputy Mayor of Cotonou, The Covenant of Mayors in Sub-Saharan Africa (CoM SSA) (SDG 7)
  • Ms. Samantha Shiffman, PVH Sustainable Manufacturing Park in Ethiopia (SDG 6, 7)
  • Ms. Mai-Lan Ha, UN Global Compact, Business Alliance for Water and Climate (SDG 6)
  • Mr. Henry Gourdji, Head of Strategic Planning, Coordination and Partnerships, ICAO, Aviation Partnerships for Sustainable Development (APSD), (SDG 9, 11, 12, 17)
  • Ms. Bianca Brasil, LIFE Certification, Brazil. Member of the Global Partnership for Business and Biodiversity (SDG 15)
  • Mr. Peter Hynes, Clean, Fed & Nurtured Coalition (SDG 6)
  • Ms. Alana Livesey, Global Programme and Advocacy Manager, Safer Cities for Girls, Plan International Headquarters (SDG 11)
  • Mr. Carteron Jean-Christophe, Sustainable Development Goal 7 SULITEST module (SDG 17 and 7)

05.45 PM – 06.00 PM

Closing remarks

  • Mr. Robert Skinner, Executive Director, United Nations Office for Partnerships (UNOP)
  • Ms. Lise Kingo, Executive Director, United Nations Global Compact