Achieving SDG 7 will catalyse actions to meet the Paris Agreement on climate change and reach the other SDGs including poverty eradication, gender equality, mitigation of and adaptation to climate change, food security, health, education, sustainable cities and communities, clean water and sanitation, jobs, innovation, and transport. However, without urgent action, the world will fall short of achievement of SDG 7 and consequently other SDGs.
The discussion is expected to assess progress, identify challenges at the national and international levels towards achieving SDG 7 including its targets on energy access, renewables, energy efficiency and means of implementation, and it will promote integrated policy solutions.
Proposed guiding questions:
- What is the current rate of progress on the various targets of SDG 7 including targets related to the means of implementation?
- At the country level, what policies and practices have been proven to be the most successful?
- What is the investment gap for financing SDG 7 and what are the key financial tools that can be leveraged for scaling up investments?
- What are the priority actions for the coming years that can be implemented to accelerate progress towards achieving SDG 7 globally?
- Who are the furthest behind and who is at risk of being left behind for this SDG?
- H.E. Mr. Marc Pecsteen, Vice-President of ECOSOC
- Ms. Heather Page, Sustainable Development Goal Monitoring Section, Statistics Division of UN DESA
- Mr. Adnan Z. Amin, Director-General, the International Renewable Energy Agency
- H.E. Mr. Siri Jirapongphan, Minister of Energy, Thailand
- Ms. Laurence Tubiana, CEO, the European Climate Foundation
- Ms. Sheila Oparaocha, Executive Director, ENERGIA, Zambia
- Mr. Riccardo Puliti, Senior Director of Energy and Extractive Industries Global Practice, World Bank Group
Lead discussants:
- Mr. Hans Olav Ibrekk, Policy Director, Energy and Climate Change, Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Co-Facilitator of SDG 7 Technical Advisory Group
- Ms. Mengrong Cheng, President of State Grid US Representative Office, GEIDCO US Representative ad interim
- Ms. Joan Carling, TEBTEBBA (Indigenous Peoples Major Group)
Followed by interactive discussion