The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development recognizes the importance of action at the regional and sub-regional levels to contextualize and accelerate the implementation of the SDGs and ensure effective monitoring of progress. Regional commissions support peer-learning among countries and stakeholders, capacity-building and the development of integrated solutions to address trans-boundary challenges. In this context, the regional level serves as important nexus to strengthen feedback loops from the national to the global levels, and vice versa.
The session on “Implementing the SDGs: Lessons from the regions” will feature the Executive Secretaries of the five Regional Commissions, who will, under the general theme of the HLPF “Transformation towards sustainable and resilient societies” present a diversity of regional perspectives, share examples of best practices and experiences, and provide policy recommendations for action at national, regional and global level. Building on the broader thematic and SDG-focused discussions held during the first part of the week, the session will look at regional trends, thus serving as background to the presentation of Voluntary National Reviews during the second week of the HLPF. The session will also support inter-regional peer learning at the HLPF. During the session, Executive Secretaries will engage in an interactive discussion with Member States, representatives of regional and sub-regional governmental organizations, major groups and other stakeholders.
Expected outcomes: Based on latest data and analysis, Member States and other stakeholders will gain a better understanding of regional trends, progress achieved, persistent challenges and opportunities for action in the context of the implementation of the 2030 Agenda in the regions.
Proposed guiding questions:
- What are the key challenges and opportunities for action to accelerate progress on the implementation of the 2030 Agenda at the regional level?
- What policy approaches applied in the regions are yielding positive results in addressing the SDGs under review?
- What are the latest trends in the regions in the mobilization of financial resources and other means of implementation (trade, technology)?
- How is regional, South-South and triangular cooperation evolving in support of the 2030 Agenda?
- What types of partnerships are being formed at the regional level and could be replicated across regions?
- How can the regional commissions better support countries in the achievement of their sustainable development agendas?
- H.E. Mr. Jerry Matthews Matjila, Vice-President of ECOSOC
Executive Secretaries from the Regional Commissions
- Ms. Alicia Bárcena, ECLAC
- Ms. Vera Songwe, ECA
- Mr. Mohamed Ali Alhakim, ESCWA
- Ms. Olga Algayerova, ECE
- Mr. Kaveh Zahedi, ESCAP (Deputy)
Lead discussants:
- Ms. Tatyana Valovaya, Member of the Board (Minister) of the Eurasian Economic Commission
- Ms. Alma Sinumlag, Programme Officer, Cordillera Women Education and Action Research Center (Asia-Pacific Civil Society Mechanism)
Followed by interactive discussion