The Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) organized a virtual exhibition during the High-Level Political Forum to showcase the best innovative experiences and mobilize a wide range of stakeholders in support of SDGs. The Exhibitions provided a unique opportunity to feature good practices and success stories of SDG implementation by Member States, civil societies, Private Sector and the UN system organizations. With its focus on the theme of the HLPF, "Accelerated action and transformative pathways: realizing the decade of action and delivery for sustainable development. "
The overall objective of the exhibit is to feature innovative efforts by the Member States, civil societies, Private Sector and the UN system organizations in the achievement of the 2030 Agenda as the international community embarks on the final decade of SDG implementation.
Specifically, the exhibit presented
- The opportunity for Member States, the private sector, foundations and other civil society organizations to share examples of innovative products, approaches or practices and to disseminate them more widely to Member States and other actors.
- Innovative SDG implementation actions and good practices that have an impact on SDG achievement and have shown to be transformative;
- Actions that advance progress on a number of SDG in an integrated fashion;
- Initiatives and good practices that are potentially scalable and transferrable to other situations and contexts;
- To raise the awareness of decision-makers at all levels, civil society actors, and of the public at large to potential solutions for achieving the 2030 Agenda and promote the transfer/sharing of knowledge, expertise and experience through networking.
The High-Level Political Forum aims to bring together all development actors, be they governmental or non-governmental, from around the world. Consequently, a wide range of institutions were invited to take part in the exhibitions: Member States, international and regional organizations, private sector entities, academia, civil society organizations, foundations, and the media. Ten organizers from the UN system and NGOs will showcased their innovative products and projects related to the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development;
What type of innovative approaches/projects/products are showcased?
The innovative approaches/tools/projects showcased at the exhibition focuses on the following thematic areas:
- Child and Youth Education and Engagement to Accelerate SDG Action
- Higher education institutions accelerating action for Agenda 2030 and SDGs;
- knowledge exchange platform for Achieving Transformational Change by 2030
- Integrating SDGs and Human Rights;
- Innovative experiences linked with Integrated Risk Management approach
- Incorporating One Welfare into sustainable development
- Local Sustainable Energy and Climate Solutions
List of participants and their projects