[Main Organizer] Asian People’s Exchange (APEX)
[Co-Organizer] -Japan NGO Center for International Cooperation (JANIC) -Japan Civil Society Network on SDGs -The Philippine Rural Reconstruction Movement (PRRM)
[Speakers] -Hitoshi Inoue Ph.D (Pen name: Nao Tanaka) (Executive Director, Asian People’s Exchange) (Main Speaker) -Rebecca Malay (Director for Advocacy & Development Cooperation, The Philippine Rural Reconstruction Movement, the Chair of GCAP Global Foundations) -Elenita Daño* (Asia Director, Action Group on Erosion, Technology and Concentration (ETC Group) -Masaki Inaba (Adviser for Policy Advocacy, Japan Civil Society Network on SDGs)
In order to accelerate action and transformation for the delivery of SDGs, “A Comprehensive Framework on Appropriate Technology Choice for Sustainable Development” is proposed, innovating on the concept of Appropriate Technology,. The Framework is consisted of 10 guiding principles and designed to be applied in both developing and developed countries. If technologies are chosen based on the framework, we believe that the majority of SDGs can be attained. In the context of a post-pandemic society, transformation of societies based on the framework can enhance their security against various risks, including future pandemics and natural disasters.
A Comprehensive Framework on Appropriate Technology Choice for Sustainable Development