Republic of Estonia with Republic of Georgia and UNICEF
Quality education is essential to achieve SDGs as it plays a fundamental role in the social, economic and political development of a country. Over the years, Estonia and Georgia have increased efforts to improve their education systems. In addition, together with UNICEF they have established a longstanding partnership in their commitment to improve learning outcomes. The aim of the side event organised in partnership with Estonia, Georgia and UNICEF is to discuss the shift of focus from ‘schooling’ to ‘learning’ and possibilities of partnerships to accelerate action to ensure quality education for everyone.
I Part “HLPF side-event”
- Moderated by Ms. Iivika Kalden, Desk Officer, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Estonia
- Opening remarks by the Minister of Education and Research of Estonia, Ms. Mailis Reps and Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia, Mr. Mikheil Chkhenkeli.
- Remarks by Ms. Eva Lennuk, UN Youth Delegate from Estonia and Ms. Esma Gumberidze, UN Youth Delegate from Georgia,
- Presentation “Innovation in Education in times of the global pandemic and beyond”, Mr. Robert Jenkins, Chief of Education, UNICEF.
- Panel Discussion – Damage control or new opportunities? Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on education and lessons learned. Speakers: Mr. Andres Rundu, Undersecretary, Economic and Development Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Estonia; Ms. Ekaterine Dgebuadze, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia; Mr. Robert Jenkins, Chief of Education, UNICEF; and Ms. Kristel Rillo, Director of Digital Education, Ministry of Education and Research of Estonia.
II Part “Partnerships for Education”
- Moderated by Mr. Kakha Khandolishvili, Head of Department of International Affairs and Strategic Development, Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia.
- Panel Discussion: Partnerships and innovation for resilient education systems – how to accelerate action for SDG4? Speakers: Ms. Kai Kaarelson Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Estonia to the Republic of Georgia and Armenia; Mr. Ghassan Khalil, UNICEF Representative in Georgia; and Mr. Einar Värä, Educational expert, advisor and trainer, Foundation Innove; Mr. Berika Shukakidze, Director of the National Center for Teacher Professional Development.