The COVID-19 crisis is disrupting the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals in almost all countries. This pandemic is also threatening the achievements already made in many of the SDG areas. In this time of crisis, data and statistics are key for the preparation of the Voluntary National Reviews to understanding, managing, and mitigating the human, social and economic impacts of the outbreak. They are also essential for designing short-term response interventions and long-term acceleration actions to set countries back on track to achieve the SDGs. The global crisis is also affecting critical operations across the entire global statistical and data system. There are delays in planned censuses and surveys and serious disruptions in all statistical operations. This VNR lab will provide policy makers and statisticians an opportunity to share experiences on how data and statistics are used to help designing and targeting effective policy interventions in the crisis and supporting SDG acceleration efforts in the long run, which are the core for the VNRs in the coming years. In addition, data producers can also discuss their countries’ response mechanisms for ensuring continual data collection during the global pandemic and the effects on data availability for the SDGs. Organizers: UN Statistics Division (UNSD)