Innovation to Inclusion (i2i) consortium, which includes: • Leonard Cheshire • Action Network for the Disabled Kenya (ANDY) • Bangladesh Business and Disability Network (BBDN) • CBM • European Disability Forum (EDF) • Global Disability Innovation Hub • International Labour Organisation (ILO) • London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) • Plan International • World Bank
Short summary: Persons with disabilities – a billion people mostly living in developing countries – are among the hardest hit. Progress on the SDGs will falter if the C-19 responses are not inclusive. This HLPF online side-event will provide data collected to understand the economic impact of C-19 on persons with disabilities. We worked with government institutions and Disabled Persons Organisations in Bangladesh and Kenya to collect data. The session will discuss how data is being used to inform responses and recovery measures on employment and social protection. Speakers will highlight the importance of a cross-sector response to reduce the disproportionate impact on marginalised groups.
Accessibility: The webinar will provide real-time captioning and international sign.
Recording: The webinar will be recorded and shared later for those who cannot join.