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Inclusive Multilateralism in Action: Working Together to Build Stronger, Resilient and Sustainable Economies

Business & Industry MGoS:

Co-organized with the United States Council for International Business (USCIB), USCIB All In Campaign, the International Organisation of Employers (IOE)

The Business and Industry Major Group will organize a side event during HLPF 2020 to showcase business’ commitment to advancing the Decade of Action, while tackling the challenges of the COVID-19 crisis and recovery. Private sector experts from diverse sectors, nationalities and companies (including SMEs) will discuss how they are contributing to the HLPF process and stepping up action on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) working with and through the United Nations and with other stakeholders. The event would explore innovative avenues for collaboration between business and the United Nations to mobilize all sectors across humanitarian, health, social, economic and environmental areas relating to COVID-19 recovery in an integrated manner. We would invite member states and UN body (UN DESA, FFD, WIPO, ILO, UNCTAD, etc.) representatives, private sector, employer federations and other stakeholders as speakers/presenters.

Register in advance for this meeting