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Mitigating Disaster Risks In A COVID Era: Faith Based Perspectives

Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation (Lead organizer) together with invited speakers from the Permanent Mission of Thailand, UNDRR, UNAOC, UNFAO, and ACT Alliance

Convened during the High Level Political Forum, as the world gathers digitally to reflect on how the international community can accelerate progress in achieving sustainable development, in spite of the challenges created by COVID-19, this side event will explore transformative actions being taken by faith based organizations that simultaneously address the impacts of COVID-19, while building resilience into vulnerable communities.

Structured as a learning dialogue, meant to explore the unique perspectives of all panelists, Member States, UN agencies and faith based organizations will highlight key actions that strengthen disaster risk reduction, through the pathways of food security, climate action, and community led development, analyzing how, through interfaith action, marginalized and at risk communities can receive the critical long term support needed to mitigate future disaster risks.

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