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Pacts, Bonds and Digital Innovation for Youth Engagement in Climate Action and Agenda2030 Implementation

International Association for the Advancement of Innovative Approaches to Global Challenges IAAI (ECOSOC accredited CSO, member of NGO MG and MGCY)

Co-organized with UNESCO MOST (Management of Social Transformations Programme), UN Habitat - Youth and Urban Economy Unit and Climate Chain Coalition

The virtual side event is a follow-up to the #UN75 All Of Society Digital Cooperation for Global Goals and Climate Action webinar which has been held by IAAI GloCha and partners on 26th of June 2020 in celebration of the 75th anniversary of the signing of the UN Charter Video on Demand

This follow-up side event will show how the organizers and partners are envisaging the development of concrete digital tools and platforms for the mobilization of action and resources of individual citizens and local communities for SDGs implementation on local and global level through (1) pacts (social contracts), (2) bonds (innovative resource mobilization), (3) digital data and digital innovation infrastructure for climate action tracking, reporting and certification and (3) new approaches to technology enabled youth engagement in climate action.


We are going to use Zoom for active participation and Youtube for the general audience

Further Info