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Scaling up Voluntary Local Reviews to boost sub-national action to step up implementation of the 2030 Agenda and Agenda 2063 in Africa (CANCELLED)

UNECA (Organizer)

UN-Habitat (Co-Organizer)

VLRs are crucial in deepening and widening stakeholder ownership, inclusion, commitment and accountability to the SDGs and Agenda 2063 while also generating evidence to strengthen Voluntary National Reviews. As such, VLRs are vital in boosting local action and accelerating national implementation. The side event will show case and foster mutual learning on the role of VLRs in accelerating implementation and reporting of the SDGs and Africa’s Agenda 2063. It will provide a platform to share good practices, challenges, success factors and tools for effective VLRs based on the experiences of selected African localities that have conducted such reviews. (CANCELLED)