International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) (lead organizer) with the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) and the Permanent Mission of France to UN (co-organizers)
As the parties to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity negotiate a new Post-2020 Biodiversity Framework, to halt and reverse the biodiversity crisis, in the context of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda, it has been proposed by some that future biodiversity goals should be framed in a form similar to the Paris Agreement, that is, high-level outcome goals for the three components of biodiversity (genetic diversity, species survival, and ecosystem integrity), complemented with goals for sustainable use and for access and benefit-sharing. Such a framework would allow these goals to be disaggregated into specific science-based targets to allow individual governments, and other actors such as companies and cities, to determine their own footprint and related responsibility and to pledge their own contributions.
Experts will present the science behind outcome goals and related science-based targets for the three dimensions of biodiversity. Policy makers and practitioners will offer their perspectives on post-2020 biodiversity goals and targets.
Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions of and interact with the panelists.
Welcome and introductory remarks: H.E. Yann Wehrling, Ambassador of France for the Environment
- Moderator: Dr.Thomas Brooks, Chief Scientist, IUCN
- Scientific perspective:
- Science-based targets for ecosystem biodiversity: Dr. Madhu Rao, Senior Advisor, WCS Asia Programme, and Strategic Advisor, IUCN Asia Species Action Partnership
- Science-based targets for species biodiversity: Prof. Phil McGowan, Professor of Conservation Science and Policy, University of Newcastle, United Kingdom, and Chair of IUCN’s Species Survival Commission Post 2020 Taskforce
- Science-based targets for genetic biodiversity: Prof. Mike Bruford, Dean for Environmental Sustainability, Cardiff University, UK, and Co-chair of Conservation Genetics Speciality Group of IUCN
- Country and regional perspectives:
- H.E. Ricardo José Lozano Picon, Minister of Environment, Housing and Local Development, Colombia
- Dr. Gilles Kleitz, Director for Natural Resources, Agriculture, Water, Forests and Oceans, Agence française de développement (AfD), Government of France
- Mr. Peter Lukey, Department of Environment Forestry and Fisheries, South Africa (tbc)
Q & A
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