United Arab Emirates
The COVID-19 pandemic has generated widespread agreement that the Sustainabel Development Goals (SDGs) must be the pathway for recovery, particularly given that implementation was lagging pre-pandemic. Based on the work of the Global Councils on SDGs, this event will showcase solutions and innovations across the 17 goals that could enable delivery against our collective commitments by 2030.
The Global Councils on SDGs were launched at the World Government Summit in February 2018 to give visibility to the best approaches and ideas vetted by practitioners. With one Council per goal, members are a unique interdisciplinary network of international decision makers including current and former ministers, C-suite private sector executives, and senior officials from international organizations. Councils work to first identify major bottlenecks in delivery of results on the SDGs, and then the solutions – potential policies, technologies, and resource allocations – to unblock progress towards 2030.
Council members additionally follow a two-year work plan leveraging their networks, expertise and influence to facilitate new partnerships between governments and other entities to implement their innovative solutions. Findings of their work have regularly been integrated into discussions, round tables, and dialogues at the United Nations and other global fora for th eSDGs. The two-year term of the Councils is due to be completed in 2020 with results to be showcased at the upcoming 2020 World Government Summit in Dubai.
Organizers include:
- Prime Minister’s Office (Ministry of Cabinet and the Future)
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
- Federal Competitiveness and Statistics Authority
Background on the World Government Summit (WGS):
The WGS is an annual platform dedicated to exploring the future of government driven by technological advances and evolving citizen expectations, held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Its ‘SDGs in Action’ track - organized in partnership with UNESCO, UNDP, UNEP, UN DESA, the World Bank, OECD and the UN Foundation, among others - focuses on government actions to achieve the SDGS.
SDGs in Action 2018 focused on partnerships to find innovative solutions for the implementation of SDGs. The outcome was the establishment of the Global Councils on SDGs. In 2019, the SDGs in Action focused on leadership for achieving the goals, and featured a combination of plenary sessions and Global Councils’ breakout sessions. It aimed to foster partnerships and cooperation among council members in their respective fields to support the implementation of specific goals.