World Vision
co-organized with Permanent Missions of: Bangladesh, Philippines, Costa Rica, Mozambique
Context and background:
The Decade of Action and Delivery provides a key opportunity for countries to identify ways to accelerate progress on SDGs. At the same time, the six entry points put forward by the Global Sustainable Development Report1 present important pathways to effective implementation to achieve the SDGs building on their interconnectedness. Nonetheless, when it comes to vulnerable population – such as children - for which the Leave No One Behind principle seeks to ensure are not left out, unpacking specific approaches and solutions to address their issues and reach those furthest behind require additional dedicated thinking and most importantly specific perspective.
Child rights need to be at the center of those perspectives and solutions they offer, particularly because the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child is the most close to universally accepted international instrument. Similar to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its SDGs, the CRC is where most concerted acceptance exist. The Convention’s call for the full realization of children’s rights prompt specific child-sensitive approaches, policies, strategies, programmes and actions. Consequently, global initiatives to achieve the SDGs such as the Decade of Action and Delivery and proposed implementation, such as the GSDR entry points and levers, can best be achieved if the framework and principles of the Convention are brought at the center through a child-sensitive lens.
Today is more important than ever to unpack how the Decade can deliver for children at the level of ambition set out by the 2030 Agenda. The world is battling a global health pandemic where preliminary data and rapid assessments are indicating the tremendous impact it is having and will continue to have on children. The urgency of action and delivery has become an imperative. Consequently, this event seeks to provide specific recommendations on what accelerated actions and solutions are there for children to enable policy and programme implementation tailored to the best interest of the child. It will build on best practices as evidence by Governments reporting on SDGs implementation, including those joined up with Civil Society. Thus providing good examples of joint work between Governments and Civil Society at national and sub-national level.
- Provide insights and recommendations on how to best address key issues affecting children in those aspects that present greater challenges, such as children in domestic violence, urban settings and fragile contexts.
- Exchange views on ways and means to capitalize on the GSDR 6 entry points to draw best solutions to reach child-related SDGs and Targets.
- Share national experiences and best practices, including what accelerated actions can have positive impact on children’s rights and well-being
Moderator TBCOpening remarks:
- Dana Buzducea, International Leader for Advocacy and External Engagement, World Vision
- Child representative
- Shannon O’Shea, Team Leader: Public Partner Advocacy, Visibility and the SDGs – UNICEF - TBC
- Astra Bonini, Senior Sustainable Development Officer - Integrated Policy and Analysis Branch (IPAB) – UNDESA -
- Javier Surasky, Governance for Development Research Area Coordinator – CEPEI
- Aline Rahbani, Technical Director, Urban Programming – World Vision