Due to the virtual and hybrid nature of the HLPF and the High-level Segment of ECOSOC, participating States and other participants were invited to provide general statements through a pre-recorded video or in writing for posting on the ECOSOC and HLPF websites and in e-deleGATE. All pre-recorded video general statements must be uploaded no later than 16 July 2021 using the following link: https://www.dropbox.com/request/47RLz1ZXzP2ClVriVSR5. All written general statements should also be uploaded by 16 July 2021 through the following link: https://www.dropbox.com/request/6oAWv5gcD5HkLp86TePp
The length of the statements should be consistent with previous time limits of 6 minutes for statements on behalf of groups and 4 minutes for individual statements.