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Accelerating the SDGs Monitoring and Implementation actions using SDG 16+

Govt of Nepal National Planning Commission with Asia Development Alliance, FORUS, OHCHR, TAP Network, Govt. of Malaysia, Malaysian CSO SDG Alliance, Korea NGO Council for Overseas Development Cooperation (KCOC), Japan NGO Center for International Cooperation (JANIC), NGO Federation of Nepal

In recent years several initiatives have emerged to support Member States in their SDG 16+ monitoring and reporting efforts. This workshop will bring together a multi-stakeholder group of experts from all regions to address critical challenges pertaining the monitoring of SDG 16+. In the course of this meeting, participants will exchange experiences, success stories, obstacles and opportunities to address gaps in the production and usage of data to monitor SDG16+ and will explore opportunities for collaboration

Coming to the end of the first cycle of SDG implementation, only a few countries and statistical offices have experience in producing governance data or in establishing the type of inclusive systems needed to monitor and report on governance, peace and security indicators. There is also a vast missed opportunity to use data and information produced for other relevant reporting processes, including for human rights mechanisms, to report on issues related to Peace, Justice and Inclusion (SDG16+) apart from citizens led data , which needs to be explored and recognized by the government .

The main outcome of this side event would be:1)Shared understanding on SDG 16 Plus CSOs led Citizen's Data, 2) Exploring national and regional level indicators of SDG 16+, 3 ) Joint Advocacy Plan at national, regional and Global level, 4)exchange experiences, success stories, obstacles and opportunities to address gaps in the production and usage of data to monitor SDG16+

This side event will bring together government, civil society and the UN institutions to address critical challenges in monitoring of SDG16+.