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Access to Water and Sanitation through a gender lense

Rural Development Centre co-organized with Trust Africa, l’Association Timidria, Dalit NGO Federation, NGO Federation Nepal and The Inclusivity Project (TIP)

In most societies, women are primarily responsible for managing water supply, sanitation and household health. Water is needed not only for drinking, but also for food production and preparation, pet care, personal hygiene, sick care, cleaning, washing and waste disposal. Because of their dependence on water resources, women have accumulated considerable knowledge about these resources, including their location, quality, and storage methods. However, efforts to improve the management of the world's limited water resources and expand access to clean water and adequate sanitation often overlook the central role of women in water management. Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent (CDWD) are among the most vulnerable, and ostracised in the sphere of social, economic, political development. Individuals from these communities who are at the intersections of other identities – like disability, sexual orientation and gender identity, age, and whether they belong to indigenous populations or migrant populations – face further discrimination and violence. This event will examine access to water and sanitation through a gender lens, taking into account other intersectional characteristics such as disability, sexual orientation, age, and membership in indigenous or migrant populations.