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Agenda 2030 and the Arab Region: Shifting policies for addressing multidimensional inequalities and for sustainable and resilient recovery

Arab NGO Network for Development with CSO Platform on Sustainable Development

Multidimensional inequalities in the Arab region, together with discrimination, exclusion and marginalization are structural and systemic. They are deepened within the international system’s failures and in light of the social and economic policies implemented in the region. The COVID-19 pandemic shed light and increased this economic, social, environmental, and political burden and revealed social, economic, health, and political inequalities, weak social structures, and the inability of governments to respond to challenges in almost all Arab countries. The side event will focus on SDGs 1,2, 3, 5, 8, 10, 16 and 17. It will present the regional situation on the multidimensional inequalities and ways to address them focusing on critical issues of conflict and wars in the region, governance and civic participation and the role of private sector and corporate capture. The session will ensure a geographic and gender balance, including speakers from a mix of countries from the Arab region. It will provide a space for civil society in the region to raise their assessments on the implementation of the Agenda 2030 and contribute to HLPF by providing range of recommendations on how to address these challenges with a rights-based approach.