Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation
LDCs’ development progress has been slowed by the impact of COVID-19, with many having to divert funding from long-term development priorities. This has ultimately increased public debt, strained limited public resources, and hindered progress towards the 2030 Agenda, and the effort to ensure that no one is left behind.
Held in the margins of the 2021 High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) and in advance of the 5th United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries (LDC5), the Global Partnership is hosting a side event around how effective, inclusive ‘whole-of-society’ partnerships can amplify COVID-19 response and recovery in LDCs during the ‘Decade of Action’ to ensure that no one is left behind.
On average, Official Development Assistance as a proportion of gross national income is more than three times higher in LDCs than in other developing countries. The quality and effectiveness of this cooperation is essential to building national capacity, strengthening country systems and advancing mutual accountability.
This discussion will provide an opportunity for countries to discuss concrete steps they’ve taken towards more effective development cooperation partnerships, highlighting the Global Partnership’s Action Dialogues – partner country-led dialogues that bring different stakeholders together at country level for a shared understanding on why effectiveness matters, and how to urgently scale up effective partnerships to maximize development impact for SDG implementation.