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The Care Economy - Recognizing and valuing care, including early learning and child care, as a vital sector of the economy, expanding care infrastructure, and rebalancing paid and unpaid work responsibilities

The Government of Canada co-organized with The Government of Bangladesh

Care work affects everyone; however, it is highly undervalued, and falls heavily on the shoulders of women and girls. Both paid and unpaid care are critical for the well-being of individuals and society as a whole, and is a fundamental pillar to achieving inclusive economic growth and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

This side-event will seek to discuss the growing challenges and opportunities of the care economy, including the unequal distribution of unpaid care responsibilities, the provision of early learning and childcare, and other social infrastructure innovations needed to ensure a stronger care economy that is resilient, inclusive, valued, and leaves no one behind.

Emphasis will be placed on the importance of collaboration between all levels of government, as well as the role of the private sector and civil society in shaping the future care economy in a way that enables the dismantling the barriers to decent work.