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The COVID-19 and Youth Mental Health Recovery in Global South: A Way Forward for Local Action

Trust for Youth Child Leadership

This panel discussion aims to bring together all of the key stakeholders in youth development and mental health to reflect, connect, and act on (SDG 17) youth wellbeing to address the global impacts of COVID-19 related mental health challenges faced by youth. The discussions will center on analyzing progress and gaps and developing a recovery plan for the next steps, which will include strengthening youth voices and emphasizing their mental health (SDG-3 -target 3. 4) needs to address a sustainable and resilient recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.

The goals of the side event Establish a knowledge-sharing platform for youth and stakeholders (SDG 17-Partnership for the Goals) to critically discuss youth mental health and sustainable and resilient recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. Examine best practices, youth development models, and strategic actions for strengthening global youth mental health initiatives (SDG 3 – Good Health and Wellbeing). Encourage interdisciplinary collaborative research, youth-led community action, and policy recommendations to achieve a long-term and resilient recovery from mental health challenges during the global pandemic.