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Crisis Governance Forum: Roadmap for a Rule of Law-Based Recovery

International Development Law Organization (IDLO)

COVID-19 is putting governance at all levels to the test. We face not just a public health emergency, but a political, social and economic crisis of historic proportions. The 2030 Agenda – especially SDG 16 – is central to an equitable and sustainable recovery from COVID-19. It cannot be achieved without peaceful and inclusive societies, access to justice, and effective, accountable institutions. The pandemic has vividly demonstrated the importance of these three pillars of SDG 16, and their ability to accelerate action on the other Global Goals, including good health and well-being (3), gender equality (5), economic development (8), reduced inequalities (10), and climate action (13). IDLO’s Crisis Governance Forum series brings together policymakers and practitioners working on the frontlines of COVID-19 crisis management and recovery efforts to share insights, experiences and solutions as we navigate the unprecedented policy dilemmas presented by COVID-19. Structured around the priority actions in IDLO’s Roadmap for a Rule of Law-Based Recovery, this side event will convene a high-level, gender-balanced, and thematically and geographically diverse panel to highlight the interlinkages between Goal 16 and other SDGs. It will share concrete ways in which SDG 16 can promote inclusive economic recovery, strengthen preparedness for future crises, tackle inequalities and help us transition to a greener and more climate-resilient development model. The event will also draw on the outcomes of the 2021 Rome SDG 16 Conference, which convened over 80 ministers, senior government officials, heads of UN agencies and multilateral organizations, leading academics, civil society, and youth representatives.