The Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in partnership with the Government of Egypt and the UN High-level Champions
The UK Mission to the UN, in partnership with Egypt (co-chairs of the Adaptation Action Coalition) and the UN High-level Champions, propose to hold a virtual side event in conjunction with the High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF), reflecting on how adapting to climate risks and extremes can be done differently and more effectively through greater ownership and leadership from local communities - including women and girls, young people and Indigenous Peoples. The impacts of climate change are already being felt across the world. Within countries, gender and other forms of inequality and exclusion, such as those relating to poverty, race, ethnicity, disability and age, drive vulnerability to the impacts of climate change and undermine resilience. These same inequalities have been further exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. At the same time, women and girls, indigenous and marginalized people are frontline responders and critical agents of change to drive adaptation action. Leadership at the local-level, including access to finance, climate change education and climate-resilient learning systems, and the meaningful engagement of civil society, must be at the heart of effective and sustainable resilience-building efforts that leave no one behind. During this event, speakers will outline the importance of and need for locally-led adaptation that advances social inclusion and gender equality, set out a collective way forward ahead of COP26 and highlight progress so far on delivering locally-led adaptation action, through a selection of grassroots case studies.