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Equitable access to justice for all children

Child Rights Connect with participation from the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child

Description of The Side-Event:

Ever wondered why access to justice, while broadly recognized for adults, is so often misunderstood, ignored or even considered irrelevant when it comes to children? Curious to hear about the various avenues that children can – and do – use to claim their rights?

Join the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, UNICEF and Child Rights Connect for the 2021 HLPF side-event on Equitable access to justice for all children.

With an exceptional panel including members of the Committee, children who have engaged in national litigation to promote their rights, community-based organisations working to support children's access to justice at the local level or a National Human Rights Institution that handles complaints from children, this event represents a unique opportunity to discuss what access to justice for children, as an essential pre-requisite for the promotion and protection of all their rights, means and entails and discuss remaining challenges.


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