Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland with The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), IDEAS, EVALSDGs, DEval, IIED
In the context of the COVID-19 global pandemic, countries are struggling with making progress towards the 2030 Agenda while ensuring that no one is being left behind. How can countries accelerate their efforts in such a period of economic, social and humanitarian crisis? Through real experiences and concrete country cases from Costa Rica, Finland, and Nigeria, this side event will demonstrate how evaluation can play a key role in embedding the SDGs into national agendas to accelerate progress towards the 2030 Agenda. Evaluation is crucial in assessing value, worth, and merit of national SDG-related policies, plans, and results, and can generate recommendations on how, in what direction, and how fast to drive change to achieve the SDGs. In crisis contexts, evaluations can contribute towards agility in response, re-routing strategies towards the most relevant SDGs, and adjusting resources with a focus on the most marginalized.
French and Spanish simultaneous interpretation will be available.
Opening remarks:
Ms. Anu Saxén, Director, Development Evaluation Unit, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland
Dr. Jörg Faust, Director, German Institute for Development Evaluation – DEval
Country case studies and panel discussion:
Moderated by Mr. Kassem El-Saddik, Co-Chair, EVALSDGs
- Costa Rica- Ms. Pilar Garrido, Minister of National Planning and Economic Policy (MIDEPLAN), Costa Rica
- Finland- Mr. Sami Pirkkala Secretary General of the National Commission on Sustainable Development at the Prime Minister's Office, Finland
- Nigeria- Dr. Bala Yusuf Yunusa, Senior Technical Advisor to the Office of the Senior Special Assistant to the President on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Nigeria
Nepal- Government representative TBC
Moderated by Mr. Kassem El-Saddik, Co-Chair, EVALSDGs
Mr. Stefano D’Errico, Head of Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning, International Institute for Environment and Development – IIED
Closing remarks:
Mr. Denis Jobin, Senior Evaluation Specialist, UNICEF