International Labour Organization with the Government of Luxembourg
While many countries and organizations are taking active steps to achieve Target 8.7, there is an urgent need for coordinated global action. The new Global Estimates on Child Labour and Modern Slavery show that the COVID-19 pandemic could reverse years of progress towards ending child labour, forced labour, modern slavery and human trafficking. For the first time in 20 years, child labour is likely to increase globally putting an entire generation of children at risk. Without bold and transformative action, and increased resourcing to support this action, the international community will fail to achieve SDG Target 8.7 by 2030.
Increasingly, diverse groups of global stakeholders have risen to the challenge by coordinating effort in the fight against child labour, forced labour and human trafficking. In 2021, the International Year for the Elimination of Child Labour, these efforts have been redoubled with the help of a global campaign of support and many active multistakeholder collaborations.
Against this backdrop, co-chairs of the Group of Friends of Children and the SDGs and the Group of Friends Decent Work in partnership with the Alliance 8.7 will organize a side event in the margins of the High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) presenting progress from Alliance 8.7 Pathfinder countries including promising practices and strategies to mobilize resources to achieve the target.