The Permanent Mission of the Dominican Republic to the UN with Committee on World Food Security (CFS) SUN Movement Private Sector Mechanism of the CFS CGIAR (TBC) Civil Society Mechanism of the CFS (TBC)
With the number of hungry and malnourished already on the rise over the past few years, COVID-19 has exposed the short-comings of our food systems, globally and locally. Inclusive leadership and collective action are needed to reverse these negative trends. The experience of the Rome-based Committee on World Food Security (CFS) in conducting policy convergence work in an inclusive model of consensus building is a good practice to be shared and learned from.
Supported by the three Rome-based Agencies, CFS is comprised of member countries of the United Nations, relevant UN System bodies, civil society and non-governmental organizations and their respective networks, international agricultural research systems, international and regional financial institutions, and relevant private sector associations and philanthropic foundations. This February, CFS endorsed the Voluntary Guidelines on Food Systems and Nutrition (VGFSN), the only policy instrument negotiated at multilateral level on addressing the causes of hunger and malnutrition in all its forms, from a food systems perspective. The Guidelines will be an important contribution to the UN Food Systems Summit scheduled to take place in September this year.
The side event will:
- Create awareness about CFS’ multi-stakeholder, inclusive model, and its policy products
- Discuss how the CFS Policy product address policy coherence in pandemics
- Explore possible areas for CFS to play a stronger role in the upcoming Food Systems Summit and its outcomes
- Highlight the unique science-policy interface presented by CFS HLPE