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Inequalities laid bare by COVID-19: Asia and the Pacific response with women and girls at the forefront

Asian Pacific Resource and Research Centre for Women (ARROW)

The side event aims to continue the in-depth discussion around equitable and sustainable implementation of interventions for resilient response and recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. The focus will be on health and improving sexual and reproductive (SRH) information and services in Asian Pacific countries. The session will further enable sharing of experiences, south to south cooperation including successes, challenges and lessons learned.

The discussion will focus on views and measures that are imperative for resilient recovery from the pandemic in order to achieve Agenda 2030 including through strengthening of policies and institutions of governments and mobilization of multi-stakeholder support and partnerships for improved access to health services particularly SRH and ensuring healthier lives for all in the region.

Overall, it will be a participatory sharing session moderated by ARROW with two governments and four country level CSOs; one youth-led organization and three women’s organization and experts from the region on the panel as speakers, followed by interactive discussion between all attendees on the topic. The government proposed for this side event is Malaysia.

The side event will also feature the UNESCAP recognized Regional Call to Action from the Asia Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development Youth Forum detailing recommendations for sustainable, inclusive and human rights focused solutions for the Decade of Action. We will relaunch the Regional Call to Action and the 12 sub-region/country briefs.