The Equal Rights Trust and Transparency International
Corruption and discrimination are each major obstacles to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). However, until now, these two phenomena have largely been understood in isolation from each other.
In early July, our two organisations – the Equal Rights Trust and Transparency International – will publish new research that explores for the first time how corruption and discrimination cause and enable one another, and how these mutually reinforcing dynamics leave the most marginalised communities and individuals even further behind. Discriminatory corruption affects people in complex yet profound ways across multiple grounds of discrimination, including sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, race, ethnicity, religion or belief, age and disability. For example, discrimination against LGBTQI+ people provides opportunities for extortion by the police, while certain forms of corruption – notably sexual extortion – are inherently discriminatory towards women and girls. Working with partners from across the globe, our wide range of empirical research demonstrates that in order to realise the full ambition of the commitment to leave no one behind, states and other stakeholders must recognise the connections between discrimination and corruption and take immediate, targeted and integrated actions to tackle these linked problems.
In this event, we will present our ground-breaking findings and recommendations to engage stakeholders in a lively exchange on the actions available to them to tackle the interrelated problems of corruption and discrimination, as a means to ensuring an inclusive and just path towards the 2030 Agenda.