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Promising Practices: Protecting Migrant and Refugee Victims of Xenophobia and Intolerance in the Context of the Coronavirus Pandemic

International Council of Psychologists (ICP) with Poverty Elimination and Community Education (PEACE) Foundation

The NGO Committee on Migration and its Subcommittee on Eliminating Xenophobia and Fostering Social Inclusion, in 2020 distributed a survey to those organizations worldwide that work to protect and assist migrants and refugees and endeavor to safeguard their human rights in accordance with Goals 15, 16, and 17 of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (2018). The purpose of this survey was to assess the issues and problems raised by the Covid-19 Pandemic, identify best practices and successful initiatives, and enhance our understanding of the barriers to movement, gaps in services, and psychosocial factors that hinder the full integration of migrants and refugees in their host communities.

The proposed side event will present three respondents to the survey who will give a report of the results and implications of this survey, together with first-hand accounts of the grassroots efforts detailed in their responses. Additional speakers will include a representative from one of the Champion Countries (Morocco, invited), and a representative of the UN Migration Network (invited). This program will provide a valuable opportunity to exchange ideas, discuss challenges and lessons learned, share creative solutions and build connections as we continue to work collaboratively for the rights and well-being of refugees and migrant people throughout the world (SDG 16).