The Role of Sustainable Finance to End Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking," a virtual side-event of the UN High-Level Political Forum co-sponsored by the Permanent Missions of Liechtenstein, Australia, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway and Spain to the United Nations.
This side-event explored the key role of the financial sector in addressing modern slavery and human trafficking, focusing particularly on building back better from COVID-19. Sustainable and inclusive finance can foster effective action by business to identify and mitigate modern slavery risks in their value chains, and ensure business actions during the pandemic are not exacerbating such risks.
Following Ministerial-level opening remarks, a panel was moderated by FAST Project Director Daniel Thelesklaf that included Fiona Reynolds, CEO of the Principles for Responsible Investment, Dawne Spicer, Executive Secretary of the Caribbean Financial Action Task Force, James Kofi Annan, Founder of Challenging Heights, and H.E. Carlos Ruiz González, Spanish Ambassador-at-large for Human Trafficking. Closing remarks were made by H.E. The Hon. Mitch Fifield, Permanent Representative of Australia to the United Nations.