Dag Hammrskjöld Foundation with the Permanent Missions of the Republic of Korea and Bangladesh and The Center for Reproductive Rights
The side event will examine SDG 10 in the context of leading COVID-19 response and recovery efforts to meet the SDGs. With the understanding that sustainable recovery depends on putting the furthest behind first, this event will examine how traditionally marginalized populations have been affected by and participated in COVID-19 response efforts. This will serve as an entry point for assessing how national COVID-19 response policies have served to overcome, maintain or exacerbate inequalities and examine the UN’s role in supporting such efforts. The discussion will consider overall policy approaches as well as specific structures and financing mechanisms in place for COVID-19 response and recovery efforts as well as for SDG 10 implementation.
The event’s discussions will make the direct link to SDG 3, SDG 16 and SDG 17 in looking at institutions, their role in identifying and reaching those furthest behind, while highlighting partnerships between various stakeholders at national and global levels for addressing the crisis and preparing for ramping up efforts during the decade of action. The aim is to bring different stakeholders to the table to discuss challenges and successes with the COVID-19 responses as well as opportunities for recovery going forward.
International Sign Language will also be provided during the side-event.
Opening remarks:
- Henrik Hammargren, Executive Director, Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation
- H.E. Ambassador Cho Hyun, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Korea to the United Nations, (Co-Chair of the Group of Friends of SDG10)
- Ulrika Modéer, Assistant Secretary-General and Director of Bureau of External Relations and Advocacy, UNDP
- Dr. Elizabeth Kerekere, Member of Parliament, Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand
- Dr. Cheonsik Woo, Senior Fellow, Korea Development Institute
- Carmen Cecilia Martínez, Regional Manager for Latin America and the Caribbean Program, Center for Reproductive Rights
- Asif Saleh, Executive Director, BRAC Bangladesh
Closing remarks:
- H.E. Ambassador Rabab Fatima, Permanent Representative of Bangladesh to the United Nations, (Co-Chair of the Group of Friends of SDG10)
Micah Grzywnowicz, Programme Manager, Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation