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Scaling up Voluntary Local Reviews in Africa: Responding to COVID-19 and Meeting the needs of the Decade of action

UN Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) with UN-Habitat, DESA, OSAA and UCLG-A

The Seventh Africa Regional Forum on Sustainable Development (ARFSD-7) was held on 1-4 March 2021 with the theme “Building forward better: towards a resilient and green Africa to achieve the 2030 Agenda and Agenda 2063”.

At the Forum – which feeds into the HLPF – participants reviewed progress towards the SDGs through Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs) and Voluntary Local Reviews (VLRs), and addressed the specific impacts of COVID-19 in these reviews.

Member States underscored the importance of localizing the SDGs at the sub-national, governorate and municipal levels. Discussions were informed by a set of regional guidelines for localities to pursue VLRs, which were drafted in response to member State requests at ARFSD-6, and are eagerly anticipated by African localities to help ramp-up their VLRs as they look to rebuild sustainably from COVID-19 while leaving no one behind.

The side-event has three distinct objectives:

  • Share good practices and lessons learned from VLRs in the context of COVID-19 and the decade of action, with examples from Africa;
  • Launch the Africa VLR guidelines as a tool to support scaling of VLRs in the region;
  • Garners and strengthens partnerships for VLRs and VNRs – including a diverse mix of localities, grassroots stakeholders, regional organizations, national governments, etc.