Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact (AIPP) with Regional Office for South-East Asia, Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights; Mandate of the Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples TBC; The Diplomacy Training Programme, Australia; Indigenous Peoples Human Rights Defenders Network, (IPHRD) Asia; Indigenous Knowledge and Peoples of Asia, (IKPA); Network of Indigenous Women in Asia, (NIWA)
The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed pre-existing inequalities and has hit some social groups significantly harder than others. A report by the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues suggest that, ‘Indigenous peoples are more vulnerable to the direct (health) and indirect (economic, food security) effects of COVID-19, with generally higher infection and death rates than the overall non-indigenous populations. The impact on indigenous women and girls, and Indigenous Peoples with Disabilities is even more severe.’
The pandemic has been used as an instrument to promulgate detrimental laws and solutions and increased in attacks, murder and criminalization of Indigenous Peoples. Rather than create equitable solutions towards achieving inclusive and transformative change, we are observing the continuation of short-sighted environmental destruction and the alienation of those who have the ability to create territorial peace and environmental stability in the name of conservation and solutions to economic recovery.
The road to sustainable and resilient recovery from COVID-19 must recognize the identity and the ability of the Indigenous Peoples, and must ensure full, effective and meaningful participation of diverse groups including the Indigenous Peoples.
Key Questions to be addressed
- In what ways are Indigenous Peoples impacted disproportionately by the pandemic?
- What are the initiatives taken by the Indigenous Peoples and state in responding to the pandemic?
- What are the challenges to the Indigenous Peoples meaningful participation in responding to the pandemic and in the recovery process?
- How can Indigenous Peoples, states and other stakeholders build partnerships in defining inclusive and sustainable solutions and actions on the road to recovery?