International Affairs and Development Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of Iceland with United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
This HLPF side event, co-hosted by the Government of Iceland, UNDP, and the University of Pittsburgh, will spotlight the latest trends and analysis on gender equality in public institutions with the launch the latest global Gender Equality in Public Administration (GEPA) report, a comprehensive report on by UNDP and University of Pittsburgh. The event will focus on gender equality and inclusive, participatory and representative institutions and SDG 16, highlighting new data on women’s leadership in the COVID-19 response.
Speakers will include the co-host the Government of Iceland’s Minister for Foreign Affairs and Development Cooperation, and the Vice Chancellor of the University of Pittsburgh. UNDP and University of Pittsburgh will present key findings and recommendations of the report. A panel of leaders for gender equality will discuss recommendations for gender equality in public administration, including Aminath Shauna, the Minister of Environment, Climate Change and Technology, the Republic of the Maldives; Yasna Provoste Campillay, the President of the Senate of the Republic of Chile; Memory Kachambwa, Director of FEMNET; and Sandra Pepera, Director for Gender, Women and Democracy, the National Democratic Institute.