Side Events
Side Events at the 2023 HLPF under the auspices of ECOSOC were organized on the margins of the forum. These events will be sponsored by Member States, the UN system and other intergovernmental organizations and the Major Groups and other accredited Stakeholders.
These side events held outside the official programme provided additional great opportunities to discuss the theme of the HLPF and the SDGs to be reviewed.
Side Events were held either in-person at the UN Headquarters in New York or in a virtual format. Priority for in-person side events at UNHQ were given to countries presenting their Voluntary National Reviews at the HLPF this year and events with Ministerial participation.
Official Programme of the 2023 HLPF Side Events (20 June 2023)
Special Events
In collaboration with key partners, UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) curates a set of high-profile special events for the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF), featuring high-level report launches and special events to galvanize broad ownership and engagement on the SDGs from key sectors, such as higher education institutions, private sector, local authorities, parliamentarians, among others. Most of these events are recurring every year under different themes. The 2023 events will be held either fully in-person at the UNHQ in New York or in a hybrid format.
HLPF 2023 Special Events Flyer