(How are the impacts of COVID-19 and other crises being felt by non-state actors? What are their priority areas and transformative actions? Are they being engaged in policies to overcome crises’ impacts and resume SDG progress?)
Major Groups and other stakeholders are an integral part of the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs as enshrined in the UNGA resolution 67/290. They bring forth the voices, sentiments and aspirations of the people, often those who are most marginalized and left behind, and are experts, rights-holders and key actors in the implementation and achievement of the SDGs.
This session is organized and led by the MGoS Coordination Mechanism and aims to reflect the opinions and proposals about how to orient and accelerate the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs at its mid-point. The session will bring two presentations from MGoS members about the systemic barriers and gaps in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and key recommendations. Also, the session will bring forth examples and recommendations from Regional Forums not just on accelerating but also unpacking the systemic barriers, fulfilling the gaps, and ensuring meaningful right holder’s engagement in the implementation of the SDGs and towards recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.
The session will put forward critical analysis of diverse stakeholders and non-state actors on the challenges and opportunities, as well as demanding a more sustainable, genuinely inclusive of all and a human rights-centric approach to development. The session also reiterates that the midpoint review of the SDGs is an opportunity to renew the commitments especially of governments and strengthen efforts to reach the goals and to undertake an honest assessment of not just the progress made but also how the SDGs have failed to deliver for many stakeholders, and which has been further compounded by the impact of the pandemic.
Proposed guiding questions:
- What are peoples’ perspectives and aspirations, particularly from those that have been left behind, on the systemic challenges and priorities to achieve transformational change in the face of multiple and intersecting crises?
- What are ways that civil society and community groups are stepping up to address gaps in implementation of the SDGs, and how can their actions be supported and enabled by development partners?
- How can we restore faith and underpin human rights, equality and equity - particularly intergenerational equity - to advance sustainable development in multilateral global governance; repurpose the global economy and reform finance, aid and trade, as well as promote climate action to genuinely leave no one behind?
- How can civic space at national and multilateral fora be expanded so that civil society can contribute more meaningfully to upcoming United Nations intergovernmental processes? How should we address the problem of threats against human rights defenders, and unlock the potential of civil society in contributing to just, equal, peaceful and sustainable societies?
- H.E. Ms. Lachezara Stoeva, President of ECOSOC
- Ms. Joan Carling, Executive Director, Indigenous Peoples Rights International
- Ms. Paola Simonetti, International Trade Union Confederation
Interactive discussion
- Ms. Rashima Kwatra, Co-chair of MGoS Coordination Mechanism, Senior International Advocacy Advisor, RFSL
Resource persons:
Regional perspectives on thematic issues:
- Mr. Ali Jillani, Vice Chair, Karachi Research Chair (KRC), Asia Pacific Regional CSO Engagement Mechanism (Asia Pacific)
- Mr. Kofi Kankam, President and Chief Executive Officer, Elizka Relief Foundation, Africa Regional Mechanism for Major Groups and other Stakeholders (Africa)
- Mr. Bruno Ibarra, Representante de The Millennials Movement, Organización Punto Focal Adjunto Global Grupo de NNAyJ MeSLAC (LAC)
- Ms. Marianne Haslegrave, Director, Commonwealth Medical Trust, Economic Commission for Europe Regional Civil Society Mechanism (ECE)
- Mr. Surya Deva, UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Development
- Ms. Mary Maker, Goodwill Ambassador of UNHCR
Interventions of Ministers and other participants (3 minutes each)