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Lessons Learned & Best Practices

Year: 2016Income Group: Lower middle incomeSource: VNR
Finding: Stating the path towards achieving the SDGs encompasses local, regional, and global challenges requiring pooling and coordinating efforts, Egypt’s VNR identifies three primary factors affecting SDG implementation: political will, mainstreaming of the SDGs in planning processes, and resource mobilization. The report identifies challenges in each area at the national, regional, and global levels.
Year: 2021Income Group: Lower middle incomeSource: VNR
Finding: Eco-Dahab is an NGO that uses a holistic approach to addressing sustainability and mainly promotes marine protection through awareness sessions on the southeast coast of the Sinai Peninsula. Eco-Dahab uses a collective action model to organize businesses, including dive centers, to protect the reef. Eco-Dahab organized World Clean Up day when 14 different clean-up tours were organized and launched the Adopt-A-Reef program, organizing clean-up dives and empowering dive centers to educate staff on the importance of anthropogenic reefs impact on the environment. Eco-Dahab also provided plastic alternatives to vendors at the local market while working with American University in Cairo to expand high-school education on sustainable living.