Year: 2021Income Group: High incomeSource: VNRFinding: Recognizing a failure is also a good practice. The German VNR acknowledges that the government expected a more participatory building process, but the report text was ready for comments only shortly before its finalization. Thus, the VNR states that "this falls behind best practices from other countries, for instance, Austria, Finland, and Norway, that have included civil society in the writing process or have added CSO analysis for each SDG within the VNR report itself." (p.137)
Year: 2021Income Group: High incomeSource: VNRFinding: Following a German Council for Sustainable Development recommendation, the German government has organized since 2019 annual high-level preparatory conferences for the HLPF and the 2030 Agenda dialogue forums. The 2020 conference focused on the 2020-2030 Decade of Action for the 2030 Agenda implementation.By recommendation from the German Council for Sustainable Development, the German government has organized since 2019 annual high-level preparatory conferences for the HLPF and the 2030 Agenda dialogue forums. The 2020 conference focused on the 2020-2030 Decade of Action for the 2030 Agenda implementation.
Year: 2016Income Group: High incomeSource: VNRFinding: Germany’s 2016 VNR report states that the German Council for Sustainable Development supports the international networking of councils for sustainable development and similar stakeholders. Germany has actively promoted the establishment of a Global Forum for National SDGs Advisory Bodies, a multi-stakeholder network of national councils for sustainable development, commissions, and similar multi-stakeholder bodies. The Global Forum was created in 2019 as part of the HLPF side events.