Income Group: Source: UN Regional CommissionsFinding: The five UN Regional Commissions play a crucial role in VNR preparation. Each commission, supported by UN DESA and UNDS entities working at regional levels, holds an annual Regional Sustainable Development Forum, and most also include a regional VNR workshop. These Forums are a central piece of SDGs implementation at the regional level, promoting multi-stakeholder dialogue and knowledge exchange. Each forum hosts technical meetings between countries that reported to the HLPF in previous years and countries committed to future reporting, to share lessons learned and good practices.
Income Group: Source: UNCTsFinding: UNCTs provide tailored support to each VNR country efforts.
Income Group: Source: Executive Office of the Secretary-General of the United NationsFinding: In the 2019 SDG Summit Political Declaration, Member States called the Secretary-General “to organize an annual moment to highlight inspiring action on the Goals, in the context of the general debate of the General Assembly” (paragraph 26). The first SDG moment took place in 2020, immediately before the UN General Assembly General Debate, which aimed at: (1) Defining a vision for the Decade of Action and Delivery for sustainable development, and recovering better from COVID-19; (2) Providing a snapshot on SDG progress; (3) Highlighting plans and actions to tackle major implementation gaps; (4) Demonstrating the power and impact of action and innovation by SDG stakeholders.
Consequently, the SDG moment complements the VNR process. It provides space to underline the importance of strengthening links between SDG implementation COVID-19 response and recovery plans.
Income Group: Source: UNDESAFinding: The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs’ capacity-development work builds on its analytical expertise and access to networks of global experts, state-of-the-art knowledge, and good practices on sustainable development. Since the adoption of the 2030 Agenda, DESA has collaborated with multiple partners to develop innovative approaches, methodologies, models, and analytical tools to address capacity gaps of countries and support the implementation and monitoring of the SDGs. Each year, all VNR reporting countries are invited to global VNR workshops organized by DESA to support VNRs building.
Income Group: Source: Executive Office of the Secretary-General of the United NationsFinding: In the 2019 SDG Summit Political Declaration, Member States called the Secretary-General “to organize an annual moment to highlight inspiring action on the Goals, in the context of the general debate of the General Assembly” (paragraph 26). The first SDG moment took place in 2020, immediately before the UN General Assembly General Debate, which aimed at: (1) Defining a vision for the Decade of Action and Delivery for sustainable development, and recovering better from COVID-19; (2) Providing a snapshot on SDG progress; (3) Highlighting plans and actions to tackle major implementation gaps; (4) Demonstrating the power and impact of action and innovation by SDG stakeholders.
Consequently, the SDG moment complements the VNR process. It provides space to underline the importance of strengthening links between SDG implementation COVID-19 response and recovery plans.